Award-winning Chief Creative Officer, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator & trainer

Stonewall: Come Out For LGBT

Rallying closet allies into noisy activists 

Stonewall approached Mr. President to create an awareness raising brand campaign - its first in ten years - and extend its influence beyond the LGBT community.  While there’s broad acceptance for LGBT rights in the UK, complacency is a big problem.

For many supporters, it can feel as though great strides have been made towards LGBT rights in the UK following legislation of gay marriage. But whilst there are many reasons to celebrate, the fight for inequality is far from over.

We needed to remind people that we all have a part to play in creating a world where everyone, everywhere can be themselves. An idea that rallies allies into activists by encouraging them to Come Out For LGBT.


Stonewall launch film

Behind the scenes with Gok Wan

Amazon partnership

Amazon partnership

Our research showed that often allies don’t speak up and stop LGBT abuse, or don’t approach LGBT people, because they’re worried about saying the wrong thing, or not knowing their facts.

So we worked with Amazon to create the digital voice of LGBT support, and understanding of common questions.

We built requests into the core functionality of Alexa, so that we gan give Stonewall isignposting to people without the need for a Skill. Our Skill incorporated Stonewall’s most asked questions, plus others that we crowdsourced online.