Award-winning Chief Creative Officer, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator & trainer

Selected Articles

The Drum - Second chances can save the world

An old workmate of mine - let’s call him (as he calls himself) “the Egyptian” – lived by the motto “try everything twice, if you like it, do it again - if not, then stop”.

 I thought this advice was decadent and reckless (much like the Egyptian himself). But I’m beginning to think that there’s something to this idea of giving everything another go, before you pass judgement.

 My job is often making split second decisions on ideas, however I try and always give them the overnight test to make sure I’m not throwing out a bit of hidden genius.

 But in culture we’re hurtling towards seeing everything in black and white. Swipe left or right. Every comment or piece of news demands an immediate opinion. The world is becoming black and white - but what if we persevered to find another perspective before we jump to conclusions.

 It’s what I’ve been thinking about this month, as I’ve been at Facebook’s Global Creative Council in NYC, exploring what’s next for their platforms, and how we might find more marginal voices to support.

Read the full article here.

article, The Drumlaura jordan