Award-winning Chief Creative Officer, keynote speaker, workshop facilitator & trainer

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The Drum - Is Gillette opening up new conversations around behaviour?

Razor ads are one of those categories that have relied on a perpetuated trope for as long as I can remember.

Well-trodden lines that mean that every razor ad blends into every other – a bland and unsurprising world of sportspeople, or dads shaving and sons looking on. It’s as stereotypical as the woman loading the washing machine.

But at least the laundry conversation has moved on; that world is slowly changing. We even have new advertising standards in the UK that address gender stereotyping. And yet razor ads remain, unchanged and unnoticed – the ad equivalent of the bad 80s soft rock you tune out to.

So I love this Gillette ad. Not only because it starts to raise questions that are so very important around self-improvement and being better for yourself and your kids – or that it's beautifully shot by the amazing Kim Gehrig – but because it makes razor advertising great again.

I now know why I buy Gillette over the competition, and my God will I remember that when I shop next.

Read the full article here.

The Drum, articlelaura jordan